If after reading through this information and writing outcomes for your project, you’d like some feedback or guidance, we’re happy to help as time permits. Program evaluation, however, uses measurement and analysis to answer specific questions about how well a program is achieving its outcomes and why. Outcomes are not materials that go into a program. Madison Community Foundation is one of many grantmaking organizations that require nonprofits to design and measure outcomes as part of the grant process. Madison Community Foundation is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) community trust. Track, report, and assess your organization’s mission! Sometimes it’s easier to think in terms of what outcomes are not. else { // covers JScript from 1900 thru 1999 and JavaScript until 3899 Why should you measure outcomes? They show higher level impact. As a short-term funder, MCF acknowledges that the outcomes you propose for our grants are likely to be initial or intermediate in nature. While a number of HOPWA consumers are homeless or at risk of homelessness, it is not a requirement for assistance. Outcomes demonstrate how your program brings about changes in participants.