Instead of using fragments, we can use this approach which is very easy to implement. Navigation Drawer in Android creates a simple or standard Navigation menu in Application with the help of DrawerLayout as a parent layout and NavigationView widget. In this method we pass the id of the resource to set in the background of menu item. Now In this tutorial,, we are going to develop a simple Android App with a Sliding Navigation Drawer. In this example we will be INTRO :-Create a new Android Project -> Minimum SDK: 15 -> Navigation Drawer Activity -> Finish. Below we set the resource in the background of menu items. So, go ahead and select the navigation drawer activity from list and hit next and then hit finish. Step 3 Add the following code to res/layout/nav_header_main.xml. Select the activity template as Navigation Drawer Activity as shown below.. Now let us examine the files that are automatically generated by Android studio. Here I am going to describe to you the steps for implementing navigation drawer in Android application. About Code::: First of all we have to create XML file for adding navigation drawer, we will use this layout xml file in our BaseActivity. We'll cover how to use the DrawerLayout and NavigationView API to perform this task. How to use a custom background color. Below we set the resource in the background of the menu items. This creates an empty project with navigation drawer added. In Android, Navigation Drawer is a panel that displays Apps Navigation option from the left edge of the screen. Here we will design the basic simple UI by using TextView in all xmls. Because we wanted show multiple activities in example of Navigation Drawer. In this post we will create Navigation drawer in Android. You can add or remove menu from here as per your project requirement. There are lots of articles on how to create a navigation drawer in Android but they are all slightly different with some extending ActionBar and some extending Activity. Thanks for subscribing! Envato Tuts+ Tutorial: How to Code a Navigation Drawer for an Android App Instructor: Chike Mgbemena. As you can see, launching the app will show the Android Bottom Navigation View Tutorial With Example. We can close a drawer by passing END gravity to this method. In this post, you'll learn how to display navigation items inside a navigation drawer in Android. Step In this Tutorial I am going to discuss about How to create navigation drawer in android app with the help of fragments to switch between different navigation menu ? Hello guys, here is another tutorial for one of the most common things in any android application, navigation drawer. The navigation drawer slides in from the left and contains the navigation destinations for your app. This is menu file of navigation drawer. Now In this tutorial,, we are going to develop a simple Android App with a Sliding Navigation Drawer. In this post we will create Navigation drawer in Android. Using Android studio project creation, you can create the navigation drawer project using default pages in Android. Android Shared Element Transition Animation, Download Android Navigation Drawer Example Project,, In this example we use Drawer Layout and Navigation View in our XML file. For a bonus, you'll also learn how to use the Android Studio templates feature to quickly bootstrap your project with a navigation drawer. We also create three Fragments that should be replaced on click of menu items. Step 5: Open src -> package -> Android Studio now includes a project template for an app that includes a navigation drawer: It is built on Fragments, which is a useful model to have, especially if you want a common navigation drawer across multiple screens. How to lazy load images in ListView in Android. Download. Create a Navigation Drawer with the Hamburger menu icon. Complete all the steps from that example then follow steps of this tutorial. The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. In Android, DrawerLayout acts as top level container for window content that allows for interactive drawer views to be pulled out from one or both vertical edges of the window. This directory contains your navigation graph resource file (nav_graph.xml, for example). Step 4: Open res -> menu -> nav_items.xml and add following code: In this step we create the three menu items that should be displayed in Drawer. Step 1: Create an Android Studio Project. 3. isDrawerOpen(int drawerGravity): This method is used to check the drawer view is currently open or not. Create a new project in Android Studio. In this tutorial we will create it with different Android fragments and with icons for our options. You can add or remove menu from here as per your project requirement. In this step we open the MainActivity and add the code for initiates the views(DrawerLayout, NavigationView and other views). Below you can download code, see final output and step by step explanation of Navigation drawer example in Android Studio. Unsubscribe at any time. Change activity_main.xml to navigation drawer layout. navigation_drawer_base_layout.xml > Greetings! Custom menu icon. This is menu file of navigation drawer. Step 2: Modify Drawer Menu. To begin with, hit the create a new project button in Android Studio and follow the steps below:-Step 1: Assign a good name to your project. Below we check DrawerLayout is open or not. An instance of the DrawerLayout component. The Navigation Editor. Part of JournalDev IT Services Private Limited. The menu contents can be populated by a menu resource file. An example of a popular Android app that implements the navigation drawer is the Inbox app from Google, which uses a navigation drawer to navigate to different sections of the application. 2. Mostly, fragments are used in the navigation view to load different screens based on the user selection. I want to add a section separator (like the line separating Neptune). apply plugin: Lets we discuss some important methods of Navigation Drawer that may be called in order to manage the Navigation Drawer. The drawer appears when the user touches the drawer icon in the app bar or when the user swipes a finger from the left edge of the screen. Select 'Navigation Drawer Example' from the main screen; Bring up the Navigation Drawer by hitting the three horizontal bars or by swipping in from the left side of the device ; Select a planet to display; Build Requirements. Following are the main steps for creating a navigation drawer

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