4. Start light and focus on keeping the dumbbells close to your legs throughout the entire rep. To perfect this technique, we recommend following this five-step process: The Hip Hinge is a fundamental movement pattern that's essential for many exercises and sports skills. Exercise your weaker leg first and perform the same number of repetitions with your strong leg. 1-Arm DB Bulgarian Split Squats from Deficit. HOW: Begin this exercise by balancing one leg. Take a deep breath in before each rep and tighten your core. (function() { If you've mastered the Single-Leg RDL, here are some advanced variations. Once you have the hip hinge down, try double leg Dumbbell RDLs. The Single Leg RDL might be my favorite lift to prescribe. | Next up in my “Exercises You Should Be Doing” series is the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift. Early Sampling: Which is Better? Gradually add weight, and increase the load only if you can perform reps with perfect technique. if (document.getElementById("af-form-1520406060")) { 2. Or, they bend straight forward and put a dangerous amount of stress on their lower back. In this Exercise Video of the Week I’m excited to feature one of my all-time favorite unilateral drills: The Single-Leg RDL. Step 2: Perform Double-Leg Dumbbell RDLs.. Once you have the hip hinge down, try double leg Dumbbell RDLs… This is achieved by bringing your torso forward and pushing your butt back. The end goal is to get to a clean barbell single leg RDL like the one in Video 5. Then take this free gift. Tony Bonvechio, strength coach at Cressey Sports Performance, provides detailed instructions on how to perfect the hip hinge in this article. Like these other deadlifts, the single-leg RDL is a hinge movement— the main training effect occurs from the bending and extending of the hips. Grab your FREE copy of The Deadlift Bible including 4 video tutorials and instructional manual written by World Record Deadlifter, Jordan Syatt. For athletes, it develops the single-leg strength needed to be explosive off both legs when sprinting, jumping and changing directions. Single-Arm, Single-Leg RDL. OYO Fitness instructional video showing how to perform the Single Leg RDL (Left Side). Plain and simple, the Single-Leg RDL is a huge bang-for-your-buck move and you would do well to include it regularly within your training programs. When performing the Single-Leg RDL make sure to finish by contracting the glute of the stance leg while maintaining a neutral spine throughout the entire movement. Try doing a Single-Leg RDL while holding on to something like a TRX Suspension Trainer with the hand opposite your working leg. Frequency: 1-2x/week in any given training cycle is sufficient for the best results. DEADLIFT If you still have problems with form, try these RDL variations from strength coach Seth Blevins. The athlete should be capable of performing single leg plate swings with a total load of at least 1/3 of his or her... 6. This is a highly effective drill not only teaching proper RDL mechanics (due to the deconstructed eccentric isometric RDL) but also for improving explosive power. Here's Why, Karl-Anthony Towns is Looking Mighty Swole, James Harrison Leg Presses 1,100-plus Pounds the Morning After a Game, Add 6 Inches to Your Vertical Jump in 3 Weeks With This Advanced Plyo Workout, A Key Step Often Overlooked in Power Development, Finish Your Week Strong With This 20-Minute AMRAP Workout, Get Jacked with the Gronkowski Family's Favorite Sled Exercises, Build Stronger Glutes With This Lunge Hack, 5 Killer Pallof Press Variations for an Even Stronger Core, Partial Rep Workouts Are Your Secret Weapon for Dealing With Soreness and Fatigue. Also, like with the TRX, clients that struggle with the hip hinge can still turn the RDL into more of a single leg squat. . Avoid rounding your back as you lower the dumbbell, especially as it gets close to the ground. When I see this exercise in my program, I usually just … BARBELL EXERCISES The Best Strength and Power Superset for Athletes, Why Nutrition Isn't About Making the 'Perfect' Choice, Quick Cues to Clean Up Your Kettlebell Swing, A Peloton Bike Probably Won't Get You Your Dream Body. This is incorrect. This is also a good opportunity to find your comfortable range of motion, which depends on your hamstring flexibility. More importantly, the Single-Leg RDL helps to eliminate strength imbalances on the left and right sides of the body and improves lower-body stability, which protects the knees from injury. However, it is easy to screw up the RDL. This is "Barbell Single Leg RDL" by KineticSMP on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. The single-leg Romanian deadlift (RDL) can be a great tool to help improve stability as well as overall body control. Lower the dumbbell straight down in a vertical line. Try not to touch your elevated foot to the ground throughout the entire set. It’s almost like a right of passage. Join STACK and gain instant FREE access to resources that have helped millions of people jump higher, run faster, get stronger, eat smarter and play better. Not most RX’d (thats how the cool kids used to write prescribed circa 2015), favorite. You get phenomenal posterior chain recruitment while working on single leg stability, which is absolutely vital for injury prevention as well as sports performance. Flex your glute when standing to improve balance. But like many great exercises, its form is butchered more often than not. HURRY. This is incorrect. })(); if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') { RDL. Here’s what it looks like in action. | Performing Single-Leg RDLs with decent technique isn't all that hard. When it shows up on your program it’s like you’ve graduated from padawan learner to Jedi apprentice. document.getElementById("af-body-1520406060").className = "af-body inline af-quirksMode"; is my own creation complete with 4 instructional video tutorials and an entire manual outlining optimal deadlift technique, progressions, programming, and more. At the…, "Silver Strength Bullets" are my weekly shortlist of quick, actionable bullets to get you stronger, leaner, and performing at a higher…, Before the internet shits itself because I'm rounding my back, this drill is not for beginner lifters or general fitness…, They get a bad reputation -- especially among some of the fitness goo roos -- but rapid fat loss protocols actually…, I chose this as the feature picture -- not because she has good technique -- but because she's making the same deadlift….

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