Shyvana. Gank her on her ult's cooldown. You cant afford to get chunked that hard so early. Instead, ult in place and poke her down unless she wastes shroud for some reason. Brand has a good lane phase versus most AP champions, along with a very potent Ult Spell for Team Fight. Language. She now has absolutely no wave pressure and very little harass aside from her auto attacks. Play around him and take objectives while he's busy elsewhere. They usually think they are safe with their shield up since you just have the two big abilities. You should have no issues winning the objective game and outscaling him. Hail may be worth taking, would like to run some more tests before committing to it though. If he lands his bandage, wait for aftershock to expire before retaliating. Shyvana has 100 Fury and generates Fury Passively while she is alive and in human form. Early boots are super valuable here; with your W you ought to be able to avoid all the skittles fairly easily. And then it's off to the races. Examples of such champions are Kha'Zix, Aatrox, Kennen, Swain, Lulu, and Kayle. Twitch jungle is a straight up cheese pick that relies on his opponents to be very, very stupid in order to be useful. Extremely easy to squish if he doesn't pop off. She can engage and kill you from full in three seconds flat from over 1500 range away once she has that item. From there, shove in and deny. Don't greed for farm while she has you shoved in early, taking Q-auto-E-auto is too much damage to sustain through. Flash or ult away from his ult; I don't need to tell you how hard a fully channeled Nunu ult hits. She will absolutely melt. You should have plenty of opportunities to E her with your last hits since her spell range is so short and shell be trying to auto you. Water Q into Rock Q poking is the only way for her to play this lane, but she will probably underestimate you and close to melee range thinking that she wins. You can HoB him down with jungle lockdown early, but his movement and attack speed slows will probably prevent you from doing so on your own. Wait for someone else to pop his spell shield before using E if possible. Decent ganks, can setup off of his casks. HoB/DH/beads. So this is an obnoxious unstoppable meatball of a champion right now. If you manage to juke her Q or wait for her to use it before engaging, she's dead meat and easily run down with a red buff. His bombs are telegraphed and dodgeable, but have a somewhat deceptive hitbox and can snap to you in surprising fashion, so be well away from their landing point. Very strong initiation and setup. Anivia is the second easiest lane. Shove hard any chance you get, E the whole wave, sit in the melee group with burnout active. Never towerdive unless you have the surrounding area lit up like Christmas and make sure your bot lane keeps their lane bushes warded in case he tries to set up a trap. Yasuo players have a big problem with diving and throwing and 1v5ing and generally being retarded, which is why his winrate is so low. Alternatively, tell her to put the ball on you and use your unstoppable dash to deliver it. Survive, concede farm if necessary, and dont int. They will also look to Q you when you walk up for farm, being careful to stay out of your range. With careful timing, a Zac may use his E to jump clear over objective pits and smite steal as he passes by. Respect his flash distance at all times, as body slam-flash is instant and will force you to take his entire burst combo or be knocked back into his team. He still has full control of the lane early, but I haven't even really felt pressured to build Seeker's anymore and have been just skipping it half the time. Hes less demanding to play to his full effectiveness now, so you should expect frequently applied harassment at all stages of the game. In a skirmish situation, look to use your ult to knockback him if he lands it on a high value target. Pyke ult chains are disgusting and a single E will take a carry into execute range by the late game. Please login or register. And that's if he's not healthy enough to just right click you to death. Stay the hell away from her, especially if she's got Hail of Blades. She can only kill one target at a time and will be reluctant to engage on two. Ja uwaam e na -Topi jedn z lepszy jest teraz Poppy (mao kto umie na ni gra) -Mid dobr postaci jest Kayle a co z botem i jungl ? His W does less damage but more healing, so drop your Ignite on him nice and early. You cant solo kill her at 6 on even footing since your ult guarantees her stun and full combo, so don't try to take her alone unless it's down or she's out of mana/health. She (they?) He can't do a whole lot early, but the late game payoff is more than worth it. She must retreat if she is taken by surprise and cannot set up on her target from long range. Never let him proc his passive or electrocute for free. It doesn't matter how bad the Yi is, he will pentakill you at some point with those champions behind him. He can also be anywhere he wants in the blink of an eye, and can keep you safe from invades just by being in the game. If she manages to get that full combo off, Seeker's should keep you alive if you were healthy, but you'll definitely be forced to back. She also gains bonus health, attack range, increased size, and empowered basic abilities. When he drops his shadow and E's you, use W and look to juke whichever shuriken is less likely to hit. If your target dies on the first hit, you only get 2. gaining fury is your first, last, and only priority, best-in-class offensive and defensive tool, assassins and press-button-get-kill champions, incredibly efficient and over budgeted item. W is fast enough to always avoid the recall on his Q, which is where all of his early harass comes from.

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