Pixie chased the groundhog back to its hole. I adore him. There are certain smells groundhogs absolutely detest. For added protection, scatter the crushed garlic and pepper around your garden to prevent them from entering. This stuff is oil based and SMELLS TO HIGH HEAVEN. To deter them from ever returning to your garden, crush some garlic and pepper and throw it into their burrows. I started to notice my cherry tomatoes were ripped off the vines, and half eaten. Use agricultural lime to burn their feet. We have shrews in the yard now. Again, be sure to block all of the holes. Do you put the epsom salt (or other remedies) directly in the hole. Try blue fly bait, available at most farm supply stores....lock up your cats dogs and any other domestic pets or farm animals...DEADLY WITHIN MINUTES!!! I have tried the mothballs - left for a few months last year and now back. Since I'm not into guns, I don't use this method. Do this day after day until they flee. If you can locate their burrows pour dog urine or cat litter in and around their entrances. Outwitting Backyard Creatures: Bulbs & Plants They Hate! Their main food sources are vegetation, grass, nuts, and small insects, like grubs. They can have the damn tomatoes ! I get calls all the time to get rid of these critters. He put chicken wire down all around the shed bringing it forward and down out about 8 inched. Thank god the two AmStafs were indoors at the time or that would've been a terrible mess to clean up with the three of them fighting over it. She had groundhogs digging under the foundation of her barn, and the ammonia worked like a charm. Barbara Badder (author) from USA on September 21, 2012: The- Quietwarrior, It is worth trying on moles. Or Become a Member for Even More Features! Groundhog “Resistant” Plants BUTTERFLY AND HUMMINGBIRD GARDEN Butterfly Weed Blanket Flower (Gaillardia pulchella) Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) Coneflower (Rudbeckia sp.) These types of traps trigger the door to close behind the animal when it enters. I hate this article. Can I just spray the dirt with it? Groundhog is a kind of rodent. If you take care of him and love him he will also protect you and your family. They certainly make a nuisance of themselves. Bait the groundhog into a trap, catch it, and then release it in a wooded area five miles away from your home. Try to identify and remove what they’re attracted to in your yard; for example, the fruit from apple trees, compost piles that contain fruit like melons (their favorite! But nothing seems to stop them from showing up and messing up my garden and digging under my wooden shed. If you don't have a dog or a cat or can't get one, borrow some dog or cat urine and/or dog or cat hair and sprinkle it around your garden. I have a groundhog named Tofu in my flower garden every day lately. Thanks for reading and commenting. So, my husband and I laced a woodchuck hole with chunks of bubble gum and the woodchuck finally left. None of it worked. We have a family with two baby groundhogs. There are several products on the market that act as both mole bait and poison to … I tried the ammonia dosing. I'm hoping the ammonia is working and they find a new place to call home. After a few weeks of seeing your garden or lawn become pitted and uneven with the tunnels and burrows of a groundhog… Do they spray their urine to claim their territory? Answer: Groundhogs can have tunnels two miles long. A grounghog began digging next to my foundation. I am having huge groundhog issues. Sprinkle clippings around areas where the groundhog frequents. He says they really can’t stand the smell of that stuff. We live on the boarder of a woodlands. I have a bad problem during winter months. I want to move. try sunflower seeds, Iput the havaheart,cover some grass over the the steel andsprinkle sun flowers seed on the other side of it . There may be laws in your area prohibiting you from doing so. When it dried to a clay like consistency, I rolled the clay like residue into golf ball size balls that also smelled to high heaven. Voted up, useful and shared. Please make a post if you try this technique and it works so others can benefit from this. About Groundhogs. Wear thick gloves to avoid catching diseases, cover the cage with a towel to keep the groundhog calm, and hold the trap away from your body when transferring to your car. What kind of bait you used for the traps to catch the ground hogs? Groundhogs hibernate in winter, during which time they do not stir from their burrows. I… What type of sick freak of nature would want to do ANYTHING AT ALL that may cause physical harm to any animal of any kind? The dog urine won't work to scare them away. I had it set for about five hours before I caught her. There is a chance that a general repellent will work on a woodchuck, but it is all a gamble. I’ve heard sometimes more human activity in their vicinity will make them leave. Used two gallons of ammonia where this groundhog was digging under my porch, but did not help at all. Stay away from groundhogs. 13 pounds before I skinned her and cut off all the hibernation fat. Relocating groundhogs is illegal in some states due, in part, to fears of spreading rabies. Spring is when they start mating so they’ll be very active during this time. Predators. Sometimes, instead of hiding, groundhogs will go on the offensive. In brief, mothballs are not a strong deterrence against groundhogs, and you would be wise to use more effective methods, such as trapping or spraying ammonia. Great tips! Almanac Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved. What Do Groundhogs Look Like? Do anyone have any ideas. I think he'd just start another one to get out from under your house. Vegetation like carrots, celery, corn, peas, and beans 4. The saying, "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood," is just a saying and nothing more. I shot 10 groundhogs and they all ways come back with more baby’s each year it’s so annoying but that’s meat in the freezer. We put "have a heart" traps in our yard for pesky little animals that eat our garden! I think this one will have to be terminated to keep it out. The next year, though, we had 2 woodchucks and so far the bubble gum trick hasn't stopped them. They hate the smell of castor oil and the taste of pepper. Once you've successfully removed every groundhog from your property, take preventive measures. Ammonia did not work at all. Place lawn windmills, spinning pinwheels, or a vibrating sonic device near the entrance of their burrow or on top of their burrow to scare the groundhogs away. Looking forward to groundhog hide moccasins. It could not get through the fencing but I still did not like it around. Sometimes I think the groundhogs watch what you plant and spot what they think you love the most and target those plants and eat them down the ground in the blink of an eye. Time will tell, and I will keep using straight ammonia until that stops working, then call a Pest Control. If they come into the garden, … Groundhogs are especially attracted to sweet fruits, such as strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, peaches, or corn. If they're a rodent, won't rat poison work? If you don’t own a dog, or you’re not comfortable trapping and releasing* (or don’t have the means to), consult our list of 5 effective, natural remedies to help keep them out, below. Thanks for sharing. Bye bye groundhog. Keep a close watch on the cage because once the groundhog is trapped, it will grow anxious and might injure itself. I startd peeing into his barrow. The groundhog is a lowland … I also have two AmStafs and a German Shepard so there is no shortage of pee or dog hair in that yard, not to mention the dogs are out there pretty regularly. If you saturate a large bath towel with this Karnak liquid, let it dry a bit so it is not dripping wet so that you do not pollute the soil, then stick the towel down in the hole, I bet that would solve the problem and get rid of the groundhog. We have just been putting the ammonia in the holes and then covering them with dirt. If it does, let me know. It is unappealing to kill the animal, so you may want to let the animal removal service handle the problem. Groundhogs have more than one hole.

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