if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Most plants have adverse reactions to excessive cold temperatures, but some are able to bounce back relatively quickly after a few cold months of winter. It is often used in seed mixtures with Kentucky bluegrass. On the other hand, excessive moisture could be harmful as well and could breed fungus into your soil. Time of year for starting your lawn depends on the type of grass you choose. Although humidity is helpful to plants in many ways and might combat the effects of cold damage by keeping the soil warm and reducing moisture loss, too much humidity might require more watering to keep plants and grass well nourished. Although the installation can be quite expensive, depending on the size of your lawn, it should be good to last between 15 and 25 years with little to no other expenses in between. It is tough and has more of a rough texture than most other turfgrass and can combat weeds and pests relatively well. There are many different varieties of fescue and they are all cool-season grass types that doing a very good job of holding their own during the cold winter months. It is a good choice for your lawn in the right location and will perform very well with the proper care. Warm-season grasses are also deep rooting and drought-tolerant. This runner-type grass does well in both sunny and shaded areas. The biggest obstacle is getting it established the first time. Bluegrass is a very popular kind of grass, especially because of its versatility and adaptability for many different locations and uses. It also requires less fertilizer than typical warm-season grass. Some types are better started from seeds, while others perform better by starting with sod pieces. Different Types of Lawn Grass: Identification Guide to Many Types of Sod (With Pictures) Bermuda Grass ( Cynodon dactylon) Bermuda grass sod is a hardy type of lawn grass suitable for warm regions. Kentucky bluegrass is probably the most widely used and most preferred grass type. When grasses are in a dormant state, foot traffic can quickly wear a muddy path through the turf thatch. Zoysia is very tolerant of a lot of foot traffic, so it could be successful in places like golf courses, playgrounds, and outdoor sporting events, which makes it the ideal option for heavy traffic areas. It can take in a lot of sunlight and remain fairly resistant but can also do well in the shade. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); Warm-season grasses grow best in hot weather and turn brown in winter. 10 Different Types of Lawn Grass Different Types Of Lawn Grass Classes. For sunny areas where winter dormancy is acceptable, the best lawns are warm-season turf varieties like Bermuda, hybrid Bermuda, kikuyu and zoysias. Furthermore, these varieties are only "tough" during their growing seasons: spring, summer, and fall. Here is a guide to the best types of grass for Indianapolis lawns. Fine fescues are most popular for their shade tolerance, but they do not tolerate heat and dry conditions very well. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is the main grass in most lawn mixtures, and there are several good reasons for this. Bermuda grass has an aggressive growth habit that gives the warm-season grass excellent weed resistance. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Dwarf fescue turf varieties are grown from seed by many sod farms. Fescues are deep rooting and drought tolerant, but not salt tolerant, so dog urine can burn spots. If you are looking for a picture-perfect lawn instantly without having to do all the work to get a natural lawn looking that way, artificial grass may be your preferred choice. Best Grass Seed Lawn Grass Seed Types Grass Type Lawn Seed Growing Grass From Seed Fescue Grass Seed Planting Grass Seed Planting Seeds Reseeding Lawn When to Plant Grass Seed in Your State | A lush green yard is the envy of every neighborhood, but it can be a challenge to obtain. These medium to finely textured grasses are shorter and darker than traditional tall fescue types. For instance, if you add 15% Kentucky Bluegrass to a fescue lawn, the bluegrass, with its spreading growth behavior and improved shade tolerance, will help fill in foot traffic and urine spots.

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